World Food Championships

Mar 2, 20202 min

Top 5 Tips On How To Make A Recipe Video by Darci Bos

If you haven't noticed, Recipe Videos are the latest and greatest hot trend right now on social media (especially amongst social influencers). So if you'r

e looking to gain a #FoodSport sponsor or simply want to amp up your Instagram game, these are my Top 5 Recipe Video Tips!

Check out Darci's recipe video below to see how she uses all five tips into the final result!

Tip #1: Prep

Before shooting a recipe video, you should have all your ingredients pre-measured ... and in some cases, pre-chopped. This makes for a much more fluid filming and takes away the stress of having to figure it out while you go.

Note: Make sure you’ve already made this recipe before. Practice so that you have your timing down and can fix bumps along the way.

Tip #2: Lighting

Natural light is always best. If you can start filming early in the day, you’ll have better luck catching that natural lighting coming in through your windows. With that being said, we don’t all have a perfect house, so if you need to purchase studio lighting.

Note: Purchase bulbs without the yellow or orange tints or use a soft-box, which helps correct any off colors and softens the light making for a more natural look.

Tip #3: Clothing

This will be the same as anytime you are asked to be on a TV show. Try not to wear bright colors to take away from your food. Best to stick with something that not only compliments you but isn’t going to distract viewers from what you want them to see.

Note: Patterns such as stripes and dots can come out looking very strange in a video, and even floral patterns can be too busy.

Tip #4: Tripod/Equipment

You definitely want a tripod ... maybe even a couple of them. A smaller one and can sit on your countertop helps for close up shots of the food. A taller tripod can help you get those full kitchen views, especially if it’s a recipe video where you are talking.

Note: If you want to get even more creative, having an overhead arm extension for your tripod will get you those perfect step-by-step shots!

Tip #5: Cameras/Editing

Whether you are using an iPhone or a professional camera, make sure you know how the settings work. Practice so you are comfortable changing things such as white balance. If you are able to have more than one camera while filming this can be very helpful. This will allow you to work at different angles while not having to move the camera from place to place.

Now, let’s talk about editing. Softwares such as iMovie are very user-friendly and might be a great starting point for you! The more advanced you get, you may want to invest in Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere. Both have a learning curve, but there are plenty of how-to videos out there.

Note: The more advanced your software is, the more options you’ll have for editing purposes.
